Another fantastic delicious, healthy and stunning creation by @herbs.petals.raw.vegan

Bagel Ingredients:
50g Green Banana Flour
30g Ground Flaxseeds
100g Ground Almonds
3 Garlic cloves
1/4c Water
2.5g Kala Namak (- Can Sub for Himalayan Pink Salt)
2.5g Black Peppercorn
10g Homemade Bagel Seasoning (Garlic powder, Onion Powder, Dried basil, Hemp seed, Black & Brown Sesame seeds)
10g Vutter Avo (more to spread on bagel)
Filling Ingredients:
2 Shredded Carrots
1 Lime
Fresh Dill Sprigs
10g Nasturtium Capers
Fresh Ginger slices
2.5g Black Peppercorn
Bagel Method:
Add all Bagel Base ingredients together & mix well.
Press dough into moulds or roll in palm of hands circular & press gap through the middle. Sprinkle seasoning over the top.
Place on dehydrator sheets, dehydrate on 40.c for 12h half way through slice carefully through the center & turn over to the opposite side to dehydrate for the remaining 6h.
Or alternatively you can bake on 180.c for 25 minutes turning over half way (if not following a Raw Diet)
Carrot Salad:
Shred Carrot finely mix with all of the filling ingredients.
Spread Vutter evenly over the center of Bagel & layer Carrot Salad on top garnish with fresh Ginger, Herbs, Lime wedges & side of Vutter to spread for the Bagel Bites
